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Biden Approved Secret Nuclear Strategy Focusing On Chinese Threat New York Times Reports

Breaking News: White House Approves New Nuclear Strategy Prioritizing Deterrence Against China

Biden Administration Reorients US Nuclear Deterrent Strategy for the First Time

The New York Times Report Highlights Shift in US Nuclear Planning

President Joe Biden has approved a significant change in US nuclear strategy, emphasizing the growing threat posed by China.

The new plan, approved in March, marks a shift from previous strategies that primarily focused on deterring Russia.

According to The New York Times, the plan directs the US military to prepare for potential coordinated nuclear attacks from both Russia and China.

Key Changes in the Nuclear Strategy

  • Increased focus on deterring China's nuclear arsenal
  • Consideration of potential coordination between China and Russia in nuclear strikes
  • Reorientation of US nuclear forces and capabilities to address these new threats

Experts' Views on the Strategy

Nuclear experts have welcomed the recognition of China as a significant nuclear threat.

However, some concerns have been raised about potential risks associated with the strategy, including the potential for miscalculations and nuclear escalation.

Background: The US Nuclear Arsenal

The United States possesses the world's largest nuclear arsenal, with approximately 5,500 nuclear warheads.

The US nuclear weapons are deployed on land, air, and sea-based platforms.

The US nuclear strategy has been continuously revised and updated since the dawn of the nuclear age.

China's Nuclear Capabilities

China's nuclear arsenal is significantly smaller than that of the United States, estimated to be around 350 warheads.

However, China has been rapidly modernizing its nuclear forces in recent years.

China's nuclear doctrine emphasizes the principle of "no first use," meaning it would only resort to nuclear weapons in response to an attack.


The White House's approval of the new nuclear strategic plan reflects the Biden administration's recognition of the changing geopolitical landscape and the growing threat posed by China's nuclear capabilities.

The full details of the plan remain classified, but it is expected to guide US nuclear planning and force posture for the coming years.
